


Donate to the following activities and help us to save future generations:

1.Save tress from animals (by arranging safety guards).

2.Plantation of  trees and supply of grass to Gosalas.

3.Environment conservation awareness classes to students.

4.Plastic usage reduction campaigns and awareness programs(i.e plastic bags,straws,water bottles and disposible items has led to massive waste,polluting our oceans,waterways and landscapes).

5. Conduct Clean and Green programs in beaches and river areas.

6. Awareness programs on air pollution form Vechiles and Factories.

7. Identify in Environmental hazardss in public placess.

8. Implement safety measures to mitigate risks .

9.To conduct safety audit of public placess(parks,roadsand buldings).

10.Educate the public through work shops and campaigns.

Participate in your interested program and become a part of Nature protection and conservation.
Green soldier certificate is awarded to volunteer.

The candidates who are interested to do service in this oraganization volunteerly can enroll their names without any fees.
Member has a membership fee. Members not only participate in programs but also they help in creating sources for the good execution of programs.
Monthly membership fee : 100/- rupees .